Homebody Economy Brings More Opportunities for Chinese Warehouse

The COVID-19 pandemic had exerted a profound impact on people’s lives and consumption habits, so the so-called “homebody economy” gains steam all around the world, which has boosted a new consumption trends, according to a study released by Nielsen, a global measurement and data analytic company.

“Although home quarantine restricts people from going out, it makes staying at home a new way of life and thus boosts the ‘homebody economy’,” said Justin Sargent, president of Nielsen China, adding that consumers have quickly adapted to the situation in order to meet daily needs such as staying safe or for shopping, as well as for personal leisure.

In addition, with the advent of 5G, AR and artificial intelligence, Chinese warehousing will embrace more and more opportunities and benefits, so do their customers—the brand owner or shopkeeper of online store.

From the perspective of the e-commerce century, Amazon and eBay sellers are trying to fulfill better webstore performance and customer satisfaction, so it is time to collaborate with a drop shipping company for faster delivery. We are convinced that the tide turns on crisis. As the famous saying goes that the opportunity is for those who are prepared. You can start with fulfillment center service and you will meet more profit in the field of cross-border e-commerce.

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