Tired of the port congestion in te West Coast of the U.S.? That’s why some shippers would rather pay extra fees for choosing East Coast as destinations.
Some forward-looking trade indices indicate another glorious year for U.S. East Coast ports.

Since the expansion of the Panama Canal, there has been a growing trend in trade to the East Coast. Do you know what accelerates this trade expansion? Partly because people want to avoid port congestion on the West Coast, and partly because of the investment in ports to accommodate larger ships.
Sea freight searches destined for the East Coast have increased from 21% to 26% since last October, which is 23% growth.
Ports of Virginia and Charleston both have witnessed strong growth over the last year.
While Lunar New Year will give the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach a chance to alleviate the situation of container stacking, it won’t solve the inherent problems plaguing these ports. People prefer unimpeded trade, and that’s what U.S. East Coast can offer.
As a maritime nation, the United States’ 90% of imports and exports are transported by ship. And it is expected that worldwide demand for water transport trade will be double by 2025.
It is hard to solve the port logjam in a short time, so more and more shippers choose to unload items at the ports of East Coast, even if it costs more.
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