IMF and WTO Predict World Trade Volume Will Continue to Rise in 2022

The International Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Trade Organization(WTO) predict that world trade volume will continue to grow in 2022, and the demand of sea shipping will rise. Moreover, the profits of shipping companies’ will also grow rapidly.

The Suez Canal’s revenues in 2021 has reached a record level, although the cargo ship had blocked the waterway and the outbreaks of COVID 19 epidemic. The Suez Canal Authority(SCA) said that the ship tolls would increase by 6% in 2022.

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Osama Rabie, chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, said that in 2021, about 1.27 billion tons of goods were transported through the Suez Canal, earning 6.3 billion U.S. dollars (about 40 billion CNY) in tolls, increasing by 13% compared to 2020, which is the highest number on record.

Data shows that the number of ships passing through the Suez Canal has increased from 18,830 in 2020 to 20,694 in 2021, which means that more than 56 ships pass it every day.

The Suez Canal Authority has issued a statement showing that the toll for ships of the Suez Canal will grow by 6% from February 2022, except for LNG ships and cruise ships. This rise was determined after extensive research and evaluation based on the basic forecasts of the International Monetary Fund and other institutions on global economic trends.

The Suez Canal, located in Egypt, “connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez and dividing Africa and Asia. This canal is part of the Silk Road that connects Europe with Asia”. The canal accounts for about 10% of global maritime trade.

Faced with the severe container shipping market, how do large companies take measures to improve?

Maersk recently announces that it will change the shipping routes to multiple small ports, and the Coca-Cola company is shipping 60,000 tons of products in bulk tankers instead of containership.

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