It’s a good idea for small e-commerce business owners to outsource the order fulfillment. ChinaDivision, Shipwire and Floship are all well-known order fulfillment service providers, their one-stop fulfillment solutions can cover almost every need of e-commerce business owners in the fulfillment aspect. But there are still a lot of differences among these three, other than pricing, each of them has their own service priorities. Let’s focus on some of the primary aspects in order fulfillment, after viewing the comparison, you can make a better decision about outsourcing the fulfillment.

Warehouse location.
Some big companies such as Amazon choose to establish a lot of warehouses all around the world, Shipware takes the same route and owns multiple fulfillment centers in the world. But the high costs of running those fulfillment centers leads to a higher pricing and more complex pre-stock shipping. Therefore, other fulfillment service providers such as ChinaDivision and Floship choose another strategy, locating their warehouses in global transportation hubs.
Floship puts their fulfillment center in Hong Kong, which is the world’s largest air-freight hub. As everyone knows, Hong Kong is a tax free air-freight hub, keeping inventory in Hong Kong is a good choice for global shipping. But Hong Kong has more expensive rent and labor than mainland China, so the warehousing and manual processing fees are relatively higher.
ChinaDivision warehouse is in Shenzhen, the nearest mainland Chinese city from Hong Kong. This makes it possible for ChinaDivision customers to enjoy cost-effective warehousing( 90 days free warehousing ) and fast global shipping at the same time. More than that, Shenzhen belongs to Guangdong province, it is a manufacturing-heavy area in south China. The products from manufacturers’ factories can arrive ChinaDivision warehouse within 3 days, and the freight within the same province is very low.
Technology strength.
The operation of a modern fulfillment center needs the support of powerful technology, which not only be embodied in advanced warehouse management system(WMS), but also the fulfillment software integrated to multiple e-commerce platform. Let’s make a list of the existing fulfillment software of ChinaDivision, Shipwire and Floship.
ChinaDivision: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, eBay, OpenCart, BigCommerce and API, all free.
Shipwire: Shopify, Magento, eBay, Demandware, Commercehub, Amazon, hybris.
Floship: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento.
Service quality.
According to trustpilot and Google review, Shipwire only gets 3.2 and 2.1 points out of 10 points. We can see most of the complaints are about their customer services. This shows how important the customer service is. In order to improve the service quality, it’s better to make sure that each customer’s business is handled by only one sales manager. With this method, ChinaDivision can provide high quality fulfillment service, which runs as smooth as the customer’s in-house fulfillment team.
Other than that, value-added services are also an important standard to measure service quality. Floship and Shipware both have some shortages in this area. Floship only provides adding marketing inserts, kitting and quality control service, no custom packaging service. Shipwire doesn’t provide labeling service for large shipments. These limitations clearly are not good news for e-commerce start-ups who need one-stop service. As a customer-oriented order fulfillment service provider, ChinaDivision is dedicated to provide high-quality value-added services for customers, the one-stop services include custom packaging, labeling, kitting/assembly and other customizable services. What the customers need is what ChinaDivision is willing to offer.
Want to know about other fulfillment service providers? Please read this article Third-party Fulfillment: Fulfillrite vs efulfillmentservice(EFS) vs ChinaDivision