Can Worldwide Shipping Make Your Global Business Dream Come True

Do you have a dream to expand your local business to the global market? Does this dream come true?

Without cross-border business and worldwide shipping, we can not buy any foreign goods unless we go to a foreign country, which is a really pity for us to miss so many wonderful overseas products. It is hard for today’s young people to imagine a life without buying overseas goods online.

Thirty years ago, only large-sized companies have the capital to do business with overseas companies. At present, it is easy for small and medium-sized business do overseas businesses through cross-border ecommerce. Isn’t it really amazing?

ChinaDivision’s worldwide shipping partners

Cross-border sales have increased by 25% year-over-year, more than domestic sales. That is why many sellers, whether big sellers or small sellers, both want to gain a place in cross-border ecommerce to make more profits. It is reported that about 20% online sales are cross-border. And worldwide ecommerce business is still fast growing.

These cross-border online business can be fulfilled by worldwide shipping. As worldwide shipping develops over time, it becomes faster and more safe. When you are going to start your global business online, what do you need to prepare for?

Preparations before worldwide shipping

You need to go the official customs websites of the countries you are ready to ship your goods to, so that you will get to know what the prohibited or restricted items in a specific country. In general, flammable and explosive materials, animals, plants, seeds are prohibited in many countries.

You have to make customs declaration before shipping your products to overseas customers. And there are sales tax, duty and VAT in global shipping, which makes the shipping more complicated. But don’t worry, there are some companies or agents who can do all of them for you.

The worldwide shipping cost can be high or low, up to the shipping companies. ChinaDivision can reduce your shipping cost by grouping your orders from the same customer and sending them in one package. Moreover, it can reduce your duty by spliting a big package into several small packages, sending them by different shipping methods to make sure each package is taken days apart.

Working with multiple couriers

The secret of saving your worldwide shipping spending is cooperating with multipal couriers. One courier which is suitable for shipping goods to one country may not fit for another country in price and delivery time. So you should make a comparison among several couriers. If you don’t have time to choose several couriers, companies like ChinaDivision can offer you one-stop order fulfillment services to solve all your shipping problems with best shipping price, as ChinaDivision has cooperated with many couriers, in order to offer you the most suitable and cost-effective shipping method.

If you want to expand your online store business to more countries, it is the right time to start it. Waiting makes you miss a lot.

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